In my younger days I used to love eating Chinese food, unfortunately I have come to realise that most of this delicious tasting food contains an additive called MSG, which certainly does not agree with me.
In fact I have experienced some very bad reactions after eating out at Chinese restaurants, but with all fairness the problem doesn't just exist in these type of restaurants alone.
I've also discovered that eating in many high-class restaurants and hotels give me a similar reaction as well.
So what exactly is MSG or Monosodium Glutamate? Well basically as I have already mentioned it’s a food additive used as a flavouring enhancer (E621).
MSG is not only discovered in Chinese food but can also be found in a variety of processed foods including cheese, meat, soups, and sauces and is often used to improve texture and taste.
Experts claim that MSG is absolutely harmless to the majority of the population. Certain evidence suggests that consuming normal amounts of glutamate causes no-ill effects, however my own personal reaction say’s otherwise.
There are many reported symptoms of MSG intolerance, but here’s what happens to me every time I eat-out at a place that dishes it up.
The first thing that I notice, apart from the very distinctive taste, is that after about half-an-hour I become very thirsty and the inside of my mouth really starts to burn.
Next, I start to become very hyperactive (almost childlike) and my concentration starts to wander, which is often followed on by a very mild headache.
This is usually just the beginning and happens while I’m still in the restaurant. The next phase is at home.
My thirst increases to an even greater degree and my headache worsens. After drinking gallons of water and feeling rather tired I generally then go to bed.
I am usually able to get sleep quite easily but I always awake at around 4.00am. I call this my ‘monosodium time’ and I usually have to get out of bed and go do something.
To be honest - it’s not always a negative reaction, because during this time some of my best ideas and inspirational moments have come to me.
Maybe it’s because my brain is so stimulated? I have to admit I often feel like Einstein or Thomas Edison having a eureka moment.
Of course with every high there is also a low period too. After returning back to bed after one-or two hours, I awake the next day feeling like ----, similar to having a hangover.
I feel moody, miserable and depressed and almost unbearable to live with. (I suppose it’s the price you have to pay in becoming a temporary genius).
So that’s my experience when consuming MSG.
Please let me know if you are also affected in any similar way. I’ll be interested in hearing about your reactions.
Also check out the following website. It will scare you!
every so often the people I work with go to The Lucky Star all you can eat for £5 Chinese Restaurant near the office. I prefer not to go personally because none of the food is that good or healthy.
Once they have been (usually on a Friday)the office is like a zoo in the afternoon! Everyone is hyperactive, and playing about - no work gets done its just mad. Its funny though - its like being the only sober person with a group of drunken friends.
I agree your grouchie and hard to be around!
I dislike MSG for this reason!
I think I had it once in chinese when I wasnt so healthy and I imagined a ghost in my room!
Duckey x
We went out on Friday and had Thai food. Usually we find this a quite natural cuisine however this time Rob and I both woke up at exactly the same time with an awful taste in our month about 2am.
We couldnt sleep and became very aggy and hyper.
MSG is something people think is a minor food enhancer but if it can cause this surely its no good for us so why do they put it in our food?
Duckey x
i was having the same annoying reaction whenever i eat out and msg is mixed with most dishes. But mine is quite different. in the beginning I usually vomit after eating at chinese restos but lately the vomitting happens after i ate at italian, japanese and even filipino (our native) restos. it doesn't stop until i was able to get out almost all the food that i ate. I had my stomach examined a couple of times and various tests have been done but nothing definite came out of them. For a couple of months i thought i was healed when the vomitting stopped. But a few days ago it happened again.
Check out Lisa Kramer's No MSG For Me Cookbook at www.nomsgforme.com. I have found it very helpful and great place to start. It includes tips for shopping for MSG free products and has a list of MSG free ingredients. It makes cooking without MSG a lot easier. I made an amazing Chicken Divan last night and her chicken noodle soup tonight. My family loved them both.
My problem with MSG (or Aginomoto) intolerance is Breathlessness and Flatulence (lots of it!). I've learnt to control it now but the first time I had it felt like I was having a heart attack. Even knowing it's not, I find it awfully scary still :X
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