Thursday, 26 February 2009

Second Honeymoon

My wife Ali, has been calling it our second honeymoon - the fact is that we are celebrating our 25th wedding Anniversary in July.

For the past few weeks we have been looking on the Internet and through travel brochures deciding upon where to go to celebrate our second honeymoon / 25th anniversary.

Hong Kong, Malaysia, USA, Thailand you name it we've thought about it. In fact we've been around the planet a couple of times already in our discussions.

Despite a lot of indecision we are now lending our thoughts toward Italy. Its a place that we'd both love to visit and can combine a romantic vacation alongside discovering a little bit of history and culture as well.

We would like to visit Rome and then possibly head off into Tuscany countryside or at least somewhere relaxing. Ali and I both love Italian food as well which of course is another great bonus.

We know that things can easily change but it looks as if Italy is top of the list - at the moment!

Monday, 16 February 2009

Love & Honesty

Just to let everyone know I've just had a truly fantastic weekend.

Once again my wife Ali and I spent some time at our favourite hotel 'get-away', Sprowston Manor, Norwich. We treated ourselves to a Valentines Day Special.

Arriving on Saturday afternoon, after settling into our room, I decided to go for a leisurely swim and sauna, while Ali indulged herself with a massage (a Christmas gift from our daughter Rachel.)

Saturday evening we had a lovely three-course meal together and then chilled out in the hotel bar to finish up with. It was just so relaxing putting us in a romantic mood before retiring to the room - enough said.

In the morning upon waking and preparing ourselves for breakfast, as per usual the hotel bill was shoveled under the door. When we checked it out I noticed that the evening meal had been excluded from the final amount payable.

We initially thought that we had paid for an 'all inclusive weekend special deal', but my wife realised it was a definite mistake on behalf of the hotel and the meal had been forgotten.

After a little contemplation I'd decided in my head that we should 'come clean' and admit the following error to the receptionist upon leaving.

When mentioning this thought to my wife, she had already reached the same conclusion in her own mind. As the saying goes - Great minds think alike.

Upon leaving we pointed out the mistake and were duly charged an additional £59.00 for the meal. The (German) receptionist however did thank us for our 'truthness' (as she called it) and I have to say I came away feeling rather proud of ourselves. It was certainly worth the extra money paid to feel that good.

When I got home I thought no more about it until I checked out my emails and found the following link below. I played it and was pleased to discover - yes actually my lovely wife and I do walk-the-talk.

Check it out!

Friday, 6 February 2009

Bad Weather

While much of the country is suffering with extreme bad weather conditions, here in Sunny Suffolk the large amounts of snow experienced by other counties in the UK has not effected us half as badly.

I totally sympathise with you if you are one of those people who have had there lives disrupted by the extreme weather - I hate it!

If you've read any of my previous posts you'll know that I have a dislike for the cold weather. Call me 'Southerner Softy' if you like - but give me a warm climate any day and roll on the Spring.