Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Thank God For The Modern Dentist

As a kid I was always forced to go to the school dentist.

Need I say more except from there on I had a big phobia about regularly visiting any Dentist. Up until a few years ago (just after having all my wisdom teeth extracted) the fear of making that regular trip has totally disappeared.

This morning I have just had an old 'cracked' tooth capped. Not only will this protect the tooth for many years to come, it will also cosmetically enhance the look within my mouth, getting rid of another one of those grey old fillings.

Therefore I say congratulations to all modern dentistry practices with those pain free gadgets that they now have. I also endorse the new breed of Dentist who totally understand how to treat neurotics like myself.

My own Dentist not only has Radio two on while she works on me (to distract me), but she also explains every single procedure along the way, which is good. My only problem is that I can never reply to her questions, usually because of got something she got stuffed into my mouth at the time.

Never-the-less I now see the trip to the Dentist as pleasure, because I need to inform her how much I've flossed since the previous visit and how many times that I clean my teeth in one day.

If only I'd done that forty years ago....

This post is sponsored by laptop radiation protection - Phone Shield.

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