Tuesday 15 June 2010

Men's Health Week 2010

It's the start of National Men's Health Week, which is all about bringing increased awareness to all issues concerning male health and fitness.

From my own perspective I realise that it is so important for men of my own particular age (and younger) to look after themselves in the way of regular exercise and following a balanced diet.

It is a known fact that so many illnesses and diseases could be avoided by just paying a little more attention to these particular aspects, as well as a reduction in smoking and alcohol intake.

In my youth I have to admit, mainly due to ignorance and lifestyle I did eat a lot of junk food, as well as smoking and drinking alcohol excessively. I always felt pretty crap to say the least until I took up the martial arts. So I do know what it's like to experience what I like to call the "dark-side."

Today, personally I don't take my own health for granted, it's something that I believe you have to keep in check constantly, as it's easy to slide down the scale again. Good health does require self-discipline, but it's well worth it in the long term.

The benefits of exercise etc. certainly 'out-weigh' the misery and suffering caused by ill-health and it's not to late to start - for further information take a look at the following website; www.malehealth.co.uk

I just thought I'd mention, it's exactly one month to go until my 50th birthday! In case you're still wondering - I am very much still 'Fighting Fit' and today I'm planning to do some cycling and a little jogging myself, just to practice what I preach.

Have a good Health Week!!


Anonymous said...

Great post KJN and amazing that your blog has been going for a long time now. I remember when you started, thinking blimey, he isn't anywhere near 50 yet, and now its a month away.

Keep up the good work Sir, you inspire us all.


Cassie said...

Last month, I've witnessed a few gentlemen celebrating National men's health week.. It's pretty cool to watch them prepare for things like these, and it's good to know that there is a week dedicated just for men's health, and the things that the should additionally know regarding their own body system..

Casey said...

This is great, men are getting conscious with their health. I wish there will be some activities that will encourage to issue on Women's Health.