I was recently looking through some files on the computer and came across the following piece of work that I had written myself several years ago when I was going through my 'Coaching' phase. I thought it was well worth including in this blog for anyone who might be interested in getting their life back on track.
Are you satisfied where you find yourself right now? Do you believe that you are capable of so much more? Are you happy living a life of mediocrity or are you searching for greater things? What can you do today, to get you where you really want to be tomorrow?
If these are some of the questions you are asking yourself right now then you're obviously dissatisfied with what you are achieving in your life at present. As human beings we are capable of so much more and there is no reason why you should not be able to fulfil all your dreams.
Many years ago I found myself in a very similar position, deep inside I knew that I was really capable of achieving so much more in my life. I was dissatisfied with the results I was getting. I had a burning desire to change, but at the time I was really unsure how to go about it.
All throughout my childhood I had been programmed for mediocrity. At school I can vividly recall my teachers telling me to ‘not step out of line’ or ‘ get any bright ideas’ and many times I was reprimanded for daydreaming out the window.
Today, it is often very difficult to swim against the tide of negative conditioning. Everyday we are faced with a constant wave of depressing news. The media is usually only concerned with the one person who gets knocked over by a car in the street and generally does not care about the nine hundred and ninety nine other successful crossings that goes by each day.
With this type of conditioning available to most of us it is therefore not uncommon to find many people stuck in a rut. Do not forget what the definition of a rut is…. It’s only a grave with the ends taken out.
So what can we do?
Well of course there many things that we can do over a period of time, but one thing than we can almost do immediately is to take responsibility for our own actions and not lay the blame for things elsewhere.
You see, I have this little saying which has helped me through some difficult times and I use it as an affirmation to get me off my butt.
'If its to be, than it's up to me.'
As far as the above piece of work is concerned - you may have noticed since I started writing this blog I have once again taken responsbility for my life and my actions.
I now firmly believe that I'm out of the rut and back on track and once again Fighting Fit.
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