Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Im Back (almost)

Well once again I'm back in the 'land of the living' after my recent cold. As you may recall from my last post I was not 'fighting fit' for the most of last week.

At the weekend I had to attend the UK Kuk Sool Championships in Birmingham and it was a case of 'fake-it-till-you-make it' for me.

After performing in the Masters' Exhibition I can not recall a time that I felt so exhausted afterwards- I was completely Knackered.

Now this is not a case of not being at the top of my game, just a sign for me to look after myself a little better throughout the winter months, especially with diet and rest. (I just work to hard - that's it!)

For anyone suffering with flu - you have my sympathy. Get well soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A week ago I was on my death bed with chills, aches, exhaustion. When the microbes have you it's best to surrender, curl up in bed and wait it out. I'm glad you allowed yourself some time off. Much better then my husband who denies he's sick but falls asleep on the sofa!