Thursday, 23 April 2009

Alkalising Course

Well as promised - I'm going to reveal the latest health regime that I've decided to undertake.

I've enrolled on a twelve week online alkalising course to help me gain increased energy and vitality, in addition to some weight loss.

Many times throughout my life I have worked on ways to increase my fitness, however I have often sacrificed my health by doing so. - (Basically I didn't train properly)

As I've often mentioned several times in this blog, one of my biggest enemies is burnout, which I've since discovered is me basically creating an over acid lifestyle through eating incorrectly and exercising incorrectly. (I'll explain more about this later.)

Let me ask you the following question - How many people do you know that seem quite fit but always have colds or injuries? ....You might be one of them yourself?

I was the same because I didn't understand the difference between having good health & fitness.
Since writing the last post and following the course (I'm now on day four) ) I have to be totally honest I already have increased energy levels and start to feel totally alive.

I'll explain more details in a future post...............

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