Below is a definition of the word taken from Wikipedia, which kind-a sums it all up really.
Passion can be expressed as a feeling of unusual excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion towards a subject, idea, person, or object. A person is said to have a passion for something when they have a strong positive affinity for it. A love for something and a passion for something are very similar feelings.
I've recently asked myself the following questions concerning my own passion;
- Do I still have a passion to want to live an inspired life
- Does passion still exist in my own personal relationships
- Am I passionate about helping other people
So let me ask you .......what puts a smile on your face, what is it that you're willing to do absolutely free of charge, what can't you stop talking about, what sparks your creativity? These are all very good questions aren't they.
A recent survey suggest that maybe 75 % of people do not know what there true passion is .... do you?
So I want to know - what keeps you up late at night or gets you out of bed early in the morning? Don't be shy - reply to this post and let me know 'what floats your boat.' Sorry to be inquisitive but I'm interested in 'You'.
So as far as today is concerned - As Tony Robbins would say ~ Live With Passion
Coincidentally - look at the time of this posting, does that give you an indication about what I'm passionate about doing!
Great post KJN, I'll reply to your questions and keep it brief because I'm going to be posting something similar on my own blog about my new passions:
What puts a smile on my face and what am I passionate about:
1. My health and the health of my family comes first.
2. Kuk Sool - both as a student and a teacher. Always improving myself. Every lesson is a step towards self betterment.
3. Motorbikes - more importantly Im developing a new love of tinkering with motorcycles which I've never done before.
4. Playing guitar - I will be playing live again in May 2010 at KFest in Lowestoft.
5. Helping my friends in their time of need.
I am passionate about knowing and understanding the 'whole person'not just the person they 'self promote.' Often those who are skilled at self-promotion have a lot to hide!
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