Monday, 4 August 2008

Results Of Health Check

Well here they are - the results of my health check.

Height = 180cm (5ft 11ins)

Weight = 87.2 Kg (13stone 10lbs)

Waist = 98cm (35")

BMI = 26.9 (25 Norm)

Pulse Rate = 60 (normal 70- 80 bpm)

Blood pressure 118/80 (Normal for my age approx 140/90)

Peak Flow = 790 (Norm for my age approx 655)

Urine = No protein, glucose or blood

Cholesterol = Low

Iron = 103

So what does this basically tell me? - Well after looking at these results it seems, thankfully I'm healthier than I thought I was for my age, however I could do with losing a little weight, maybe about 7 - 8lbs to bring my BMI down a little.

So thats my goal for the near future.

Keep watching regular updates to see how I'm doing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats brilliant results!!

Especially when you consider I am 34 (33 if Dave is reading) and we are the same height, weight and waist size.

That means at 48 you are doing as well as me in my 30's.

Or do i suck? I need more training!